How Can I Get Rid of Problems With Bed Bugs in NH?

Bed bugs are rapidly becoming an epidemic in the United States. Within the past couple of years, business travel has nearly doubled in the United States. People are spending more time in hotels and motels, and this frequent moving is being blamed for the cause of bed bugs. Think about it; in the week previous to your arriving in your hotel room you could have had 6 to 12 other guests in that same bed! No one can speak of their home’s cleanliness, so they may very well bring bedbugs from their home into the hotel. If you’re not careful with where you put your luggage and belongings, you may even bring bedbugs back to your home.bed_bugs_nh

How Can I Prevent This?

The very first thing to remember is to never set your luggage down on the spare bed in a hotel. Never put your clothing into the bureaus or nightstands either. These are warm dark areas where bedbugs love to live. Instead, leave everything in your suitcases and set it on the floor. That little metal folding stand, which usually sits below the coat rack, is a great place to put your suitcase. Finally, even the bathroom is a good place to store your luggage. If by some chance you do bring bedbugs into your home, the number one choice for pest control in New Hampshire is Absolute Pest Management.

With one call to us at 1-877-600-2263, you will have a trained technician sent to your home to address the situation and give you professional advice as to how it should be dealt with. Here at Absolute Pest Management, we take pride in protecting your family’s health, and the environment. We will offer you multiple options for treatment and be able to readily address the situation. If you’re having this problem please give us a call, as we will be happy answer any and all of your questions!